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Here's our 5-step auto claim process.

1. Report

You'll tell us what happened, then reserve a rental and set your method of inspection in our claims center.

2. Investigate

We'll determine who's responsible for the accident, typically within 14 days of filing. Then we'll let you know what we need and your next steps. You can check your claim status and contact your adjuster in the claims center.

3. Estimate

Get your car inspected so we can estimate how much it'll cost to do repairs, continue our investigation and address any claims against you. It can take up to 7 business days for us to receive and review the estimate. Once we write the estimate, we'll let you know when work can begin. Set up an inspection in the claims center.

4. Pay

If you have a deductible, you pay it to the shop once repairs are complete. Then the shop will collect the rest of the payment from you or USAA. We'll make the payment depending on the preferences you set up.

5. Repair

If more damage is found during your repairs, take your USAA-approved estimate to the shop and we'll work directly with them on hidden damages.

How does USAA's auto claims process work?

Auto claims FAQ